Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Keeping the faith

My first temp assignment is at the temp agency itself--I'm filling in at the front desk, answering phones, processing paperwork and organizing files. The temp office is on the second floor of a converted mill building in Natick. It's a small, beautiful space filled with light. The windows overlook the Charles river. All the employees are women and they are all friendly, empathic, warm and undemanding. And married. No one expects me to do anything amazing or particularly intelligent, and it works well because I'm still having moments of complete emotional paralysis but at least this way I'm not trapped in my parent's house when they happen.

I've started applying for jobs in Boston, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.

Today I made my travel arrangements for L's wedding in California. I decided not to go to LA. Instead, I'm spending about 10 days in SF, Sacramento and then San Diego for the wedding. The only time I'll be near LA is during my hour-long layover at LAX.

I also got in touch with my dressmaker in LA and made arrangements for them to ship my wedding dress out to my parent's house.

It felt good to set some small goals and accomplish them.

After work, I went to the AMC new member's potluck in Boston. Years ago, I went to one of the potlucks with my college roommate and I remembered them being pretty lively, but this time it was in a dark room filled with a lot of socially awkward 40-somethings. Conversation was strained and the food was eclectic. Maybe I'm just not one for organized groups like that.

There's a big orange thumbnail moon hanging in the sky.

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