Thursday, February 03, 2005

The scaffolding comes down

Last night, as I reached for a book to read before bed, it occurred to me that I haven't read a self-help book in almost two months. Talk about shock and awe. Those things were my crutch for the longest time. If the mountain of books with titles like, "Surviving The Loss of a Love," "Getting the Love You Want," "When Things Fall Apart," and "Dark Nights of the Soul," had toppled over on me while I was still staying with my parents, it would have killed me in my sleep.

Then I realized that I haven't been to the forums on TGTB in a really, really long time. And I haven't even heard from the people in my old support group since December. I didn't notice their absence until now. I guess everyone has healed to a certain extent and moved past the point of needing that support network. Life really does go on, and at some point the scaffolding that goes up around a damaged person comes down piece by piece.

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