Friday, November 05, 2004

A voice for change

Chiztiz has started a blog challenging all of us to do one thing a day to change the world. OK, the blog is actually meant to chronicle his and other people's daily efforts to improve our country and the world one day at a time--that's a better way of putting it. But don't let me put it any way--check it out for yourself. He's totally right on. There's no point in crying over Bush's re-election. Now is the time for every person to stand up and take action to protect civil rights, the environment and abortion rights, and to stand against legislated bigotry. It's incredibly frustrating to have volunteered, donated to the anti-Bush cause and voted, which is supposed to be the strongest voice each person has in determining the future of the country, only to have nothing change for the better. Rather than sink into apathy, we have to dedicate ourselves to the kind of activism that will be necessary to stand against Bush over the next four years. Pick a cause. Do something about it. Post it on Chiztiz's site.

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