Monday, April 28, 2008

You don't have to dream it all, just live a day

I am in DC til tomorrow for a 2-day web meeting. Delta decided to be cruel a few months ago and changed its 7am flight to 6:40am and I'm sorry but that's inhuman. Some travel days go better than others. Today was ok. On the plus side, the line at security wasn't too bad. On the down side, they were playing Christmas music in Terminal A at 6am. Also, I bumped into a guy I rowed with at Colby while wandering toward my gate and the first thing he said (of course) was, "My wife is due in June. How about you--any kids?" Seriously? STFU.

Usually I take the opportunity to use the flight as a 75-minute nap, but today a perky blond lady decided to talk during the entire flight (who DOES that?) and there was no napping to be had. As a result, I am cranky and kind of zombie-like, so it's probably better that we have a mandatory group dinner tonight and I can't see MeanG or Gimp.

I tried to improve the morning with an egg and cheese sandwich from the deli around the corner but now my stomach is not so sure that was a good idea.

It is pouring here, so hard that flower petals are being blown off the trees and for a minute we all thought it was snowing.

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