Saturday, April 19, 2008

Birthday gardening

It is a gorgeous day today. We spent last night up in Portsmouth and this morning we walked around, enjoying the blue sky, the sun, and the friendliness of the people up there. I always think of Gimp when I am in Portsmouth. The Thomas Laighton was docked when we walked by and a few Pelican-looking guys were boarding. No boat tours out to the Isles of Shoals til May, though, so we poor non-Star folk were out of luck.

When we got back home to Somerville, I planted the last lilac and the grassy stuff, which is apparently called blue fescue. Then I got off my lazy butt and took the pictures I've been promising to take. It's no great shakes, but here is an early spring look at the garden as it stands right now.

Newly watered rose of sharon, lilac, wisteria, and blue fescue:

The above shot is of our frustratingly strange back space that I am still trying to figure out what to do with. Container gardens on top of that ugly cement shelf?

Peonies and hydrangea:

These were planted by the side of the porch leading out to the front of the house.

Lilac and heather leading out to the front:

View from the street (to the left you can see the rosemary and lavender I planted last week):

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