My heart goes out to the polar bears, who deserve to have all the seasonal pack ice they need, but by God if this is global warming I am welcoming it with open arms.
The stereo in The Gap was playing “Here’s Where The Story Ends,” a song that never fails to make me sing along, so anyone that was in hearing distance looked at me like I’d grown a second head, but I was so happy because of the weather that I didn’t care. It felt good just to be out in the world. I’m probably being a little overeffusive, but I’m taking to heart something that Lunchboy said last night, which was that it’s important to think positive. I can’t do it all the time but when I’m in a positive mood I’m making the most of it.
Which is one reason I had to share this:
To me, this is proof positive that Bill Belichick has exerted some bizarre, slouchy influence on the fashion world.
(thanks to ESPN)
Maybe I’ve just watched a few too many Patriots games, but seriously—throw in some knit earmuffs and you’re on the field with Tom Brady.
That look would never fly in Europe. But I give Coach credit for motivating people off of the playing field.
i love that song.
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